Martyn’s Law – Welcome Legislation that Makes Events Safer for All

The terrorism (protection of premises) bill otherwise known as Martyn’s Law, has made headlines again in recent weeks. After years of campaigning from Figen Murray, the mother of one of the Manchester bombing victims (and one of the most tenacious and inspirational people I have met), the bill was introduced to Parliament this September.

It stipulates new safety measures that will need to be in place for venues of a certain size. It offers reassurance to live event attendees and a safety framework for venue owners and those working in the events industry.

As an events professional, I welcome the introduction of Martyn’s Law and what it means for the safety of events and the general public. And what is really special is the tenacious, determined lady that refused to give up. Here are my thoughts along with more information on the latest developments around the bill, covering:


The campaign for counter-terrorism measures at events to become enshrined in law is the tireless work of the mother of Manchester Arena bombing victim Martyn Hett, who I met and interviewed during a special International Women’s Day episode of my podcast, Events That Made Me.

During our discussion, I was completely enthralled by Figen Murray’s dedication to her cause as she described how her five-year (plus) campaign came about. Shocked at how little event security there was. And the fact that nothing changed in the aftermath of the arena bombing, she has made it her mission to guarantee the safety of event attendees.

She said: “Until it happened, I had nothing to do with terrorism, it wasn’t even on my radar, security wasn’t on my radar. Naively, I thought terror attacks were something that happened to other people, not in real life.

“Then suddenly it happened to us. And my goodness did I have a wake-up call.”

“About a year and a half after Martyn died, my husband was given concert tickets for a singer he liked. We went and I took the tiniest handbag with me to make the bag searches at the door easy because I naively assumed that after The Arena attack, there was going to be security everywhere. But there was nothing. I kind of mulled over that for a few weeks and it got to me. In the end, I thought, no, I need to do something about this; it’s just not good enough. And so, I set up a government campaign.”

The crusade for Martyn’s Law began.


In the weeks after the Manchester arena bombings, what stayed with me is that attendees had expected simply to be kept safe. And while we have always taken security precautions at our events, private party or otherwise, the lack of legislation meant that not every venue would have the knowledge, guidance, and (in some cases) enthusiasm, to act with the public’s safety interests at heart.

Luckily, an inspirational individual was waiting in the wings to help.

From the worst scenario in a mother’s life, Figen Murray has brought about meaningful change that will no doubt save countless lives. She has taken the grief, shock, and anger and channelled it into a force for good, never pointing the finger of blame, but quietly and persistently campaigning to make live events safer for everyone.

She has thrown herself completely into the cause, studying counterterrorism at university and visiting schools to discuss extremism openly with children. She has never once wavered in her commitment to passing Martyn’s Law, bringing on board venues, allies, politicians, and the general public to support her.

This quiet, unassuming lady has achieved more in the last five years than many of us will in a lifetime, and all stemming from a personal tragedy that would leave many of us unable to function.


An important lesson that Figen demonstrated to us all is the importance of finding a positive focus in any situation. Though she has been through the worst thing imaginable in losing a child, her determination to take positive action shines through.

Figen is the very definition of inspirational, and tireless in her campaign to ensure that her son did not lose his life in vain.

Finding light in difficult situations is a value I have always tried to live by. Divorce. Recession. Losing people, I love. It’s not always easy. Right back to the first Manchester bomb in 1996, which tragically took the lives of two people and caused a reported £ 150 million worth of damage, was a catalyst for the regeneration of the city. It was a pivotal moment for Manchester, the light being that it transformed our city from its industrial roots to the vibrant cosmopolitan it is today.

Similarly, the arena bombing changed the mindset of Mancunians. It brought the city together and highlighted our unity, and togetherness in the face of atrocity. Now it will also be the gateway to better security at events all over the UK.


Live entertainment is a passion for many, me included, and we should all feel like we can attend events without fear. Since I spoke to Figen, huge strides have been made towards achieving Martyn’s Law with the bill introduced into parliament in September 2024.

Martyn’s Law will require all venues with a capacity of over 200 people to plan, prepare, and protect guests against a potential terrorist attack on their premises.

The law addresses that the threat of terrorism is tangible, complicated, ever-changing, and could happen to any venue at any time. It therefore specifies measures designed to protect the public, should the worst happen.

The overall aim of Martyn’s Law is to uphold and improve security standards throughout the UK. Venues of all sizes will need to have procedures in place for managing threats that are proportional to their capacity.

A public consultation guided that venues with space for 200 people will be categorised as ‘standard tier’ and will be required to notify a regulator and have in place public protection procedures to reduce the risk of physical harm in the event of an attack. These will include locking doors, closing shutters, and identifying safe routes.

The enhanced tier will apply to premises and events with a capacity of more than 800. These locations will need to put in place measures such as CCTV or hiring security staff and could be fined up to £18m if they fail to comply.


The introduction of Martyn’s Law is a long-overdue step towards ensuring public safety at events and venues across the UK. Spearheaded by the tireless efforts of one lady, it serves as an inspirational reminder that positive action can arise from even the darkest circumstances. Figen’s legacy will leave a lasting impact on how venues across the UK operate. Martyn’s Law is not just about compliance; it’s about creating safer environments for everyone, ensuring that live events remain spaces where people can gather, celebrate, and feel secure.


You can read the full and latest information here:

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