Why Being an Unconventional Speaker Works

I’ve never been one to submit to the conventional. Not in any area of my business. From my approach to networking to the way we put together our show-stopping events, we always strive for the extraordinary. Within my consultancy, my clients revel in the new perspective I can bring to their business. A new way to use a venue. Pushing forward into a new market. An alternative revenue stream. Unconventional IS my business. It may come as no surprise then, that when it comes to being a public speaker, I often choose the alternative route. And I feel equipped to answer the question of why being an unconventional speaker works.

In the world of public speaking, where countless voices compete for attention, standing out is essential. Taking an unconventional approach to your guest speaker spot can be a powerful way to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impact.

In this blog, I’ll explain my arguments for being progressive, quirky, or downright eccentric when it comes to public speaking, in an attempt to sway more people to bring originality to the stage.

We’ll cover:


What is an unconventional speaking style? In short, any method of delivering speeches that deviates from standard approaches.

By standard, I mean a structured and formal way of speaking often characterised by a clear and logical sequence. Introduction. Argument/sharing of knowledge. Conclusion. The speaker appears professional and may stand at a podium and use slides or a screen to illustrate a point. It’s a predictable way to present, but that’s not to say there is no merit in a traditional approach. Clear. Orderly. Academic. Corporate. I am not here to judge the traditionalists.

Unconventional speaking in contrast involves creative, innovative, and sometimes unexpected techniques. The speaker aims to engage the audience in unique ways.

The movement and delivery may be fast-paced, and dynamic. They may illustrate points in unusual ways and endeavour to use audience participation to compound their arguments. Casual, and conversational, with the use of props and humour to entertain. Unconventional speakers seek to surprise and challenge the audience. Watching an unconventional speaker is never dull, but it will push the audience out of its comfort zone.



Why being an unconventional speaker works is down to creative delivery. Unconventional speakers will employ a range of tactics to deliver their address, some of which are outlined below.

To find more tips on unconventional speaking tricks that could help to enrich your next presentation, you can read this insightful article:  https://www.creativeboom.com/tips/the-alternative-guide-to-public-speaking-from-cowardly-to-courageous-in-10-simple-steps-/

Interactive Storytelling – this involves the audience by asking them to make decisions that influence the direction of a story, making them feel like active participants rather than passive listeners.

Multimedia – videos, animations, and live polling can all be used in real-time. Perhaps you cut to a live feed elsewhere? Using multimedia can help illustrate points more vividly, and keep the audience invested in your arguments.

Live demonstrations – Whether it’s a product demo, a live experiment, or a real-time case study analysis, seeing concepts in action can be more impactful than just hearing about them.

he question of why being an unconventional speaker works

Surprising elements – magic tricks, live music, or guest appearances. Surprises can break the monotony and keep the audience entertained. You can even incorporate game elements into your presentation, such as quizzes, challenges, or competitions.

Movement – moving around the stage, or even into the audience will create a more intimate connection. Think Ant and Dec on Saturday Night Takeaway as they charge up and down the aisles. It maintains energy levels and keeps the audience’s attention.



Unconventional guest speaker tactics can transform a standard presentation into an unforgettable experience.

When delivering any presentation, the main aim is for people to listen, remember, and be inspired. Being unconventional with your delivery can ultimately transform your presentation skills to achieve these three objectives.

An unconventional speech captures the audience’s attention right from the outset. It will make them sit up and listen as you spark immediate intrigue. But more than this it will make your performance memorable. Audiences are more likely to remember a speaker who delivers their message in an unexpected way. It shows your personality and authenticity and makes you more relatable (and thus more likely to be listened to).

If you are involving the audience by asking thought-provoking questions and encouraging participation, this interaction that keeps the audience mentally and emotionally invested in the discussion.

And crucially, with today’s audiences, who often have shorter attention spans. Unconventional speaking methods, such as using multimedia, storytelling, and interactive elements will break the monotony. Short, sharp bursts punctuated with surprising elements are sure to hold their interest.

An example, I once used a drumming band to engage my audience of a hundred people in the presentation. Participants helped to create a unique sound and different elements to the music – illustrating that teamwork was the key to success. And yes, one group of PAs was treated to an opera-singing waiter at the end of my presentation to drive home the message about creating a surprise element in every event and leaving your event on a high note.



Professor Brian Cox

When worlds collide. Who would have thought that a pop star from the nineties could turn the world of astrophysics on its head? Brian Cox’s unconventional approach brought ‘star quality’ to a very traditional subject matter. His way of explaining the night sky in simple yet engaging terms has captivated audiences of millions from all over the world.

Greta Thunberg

Unconventional indeed, but my, when Greta Thunberg talks, do people sit up and listen. Fearless and yes surprising in her outspoken criticisms of well, darned near everybody, she is most certainly not a people pleaser. Yet she keeps ‘the people’ hooked on her every word. Greta revels in standing apart from the norm, in fact, she attributes much of activism success to neurodiversity. “Being different is a gift,” she says.

Jim Carrey

A surprising one, but one of the best unconventional speakers because he utilises his comedy skills to engage the audience from the moment he takes to the stage.

Making fun of himself is a classic unconventional speaker tactic, which he uses to perfection.  But importantly, he understands his audience and uses ‘in jokes’ to make clear that he is on the audience’s level. And his use of props to express his more serious, motivational elements is a masterclass.

In conclusion, why being an unconventional speaker works is because it embraces creativity, authenticity, and boldness. It’s about breaking free from traditional moulds to deliver a message in a way that is uniquely yours. By doing so, you not only capture and hold your audience’s attention but also leave an impression that can inspire, educate, and motivate. The key is to be creative, authentic, and willing to step outside the traditional boundaries of public speaking.


Did you know that there are awards for public speaking and speech writing? Neither did I…



Could thinking more like a jazz musician be the key to the perfect public speaking performance?



In my view acting skills and presentation skills go hand in hand, watch this inspiring video by the great Charles Dance to infuse your next speech with confidence and learn the art of perfect delivery.


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