None of us can ignore AI. It has permeated our lives more quickly than we could have ever imagined, used in everything from blog writing to social media, event planning, and personal tasks, such as researching holidays or restaurants to visit. Love it or hate it, it is part of our daily lives. A reluctant adopter, I might be, but …
What The Traitors Can Teach Us About Business
I have a confession. I’m late to the party. For somebody who built their business and reputation on being the first to arrive at every party, that’s not easy for me to admit. On this occasion, however, I freely concede that I am behind the trend. Having heard the noise about BBC’s hit series The Traitors, I decided to see …
Lockdown Trends Influencing Hospitality
The COVID-19 lockdowns are certainly not a period to dwell on. For many, it was a tumultuous time for their personal lives and businesses, none more so than within the hospitality industry. The restrictions imposed on businesses within this sector were debilitating. Whilst I would never minimise the impact, I am an eternal optimist. So, as the fifth anniversary of …
Why Standing Out in Business Matters
One of the UK’s most prolific talent managers, Prof Jonathan Shalit OBE, was a fantastic Season 3 guest on my Events That Made Me podcast. And, one of the most memorable things he said to me was: “Working harder and thinking broader than your competitors gets you more lovers and more haters.” This sentiment couldn’t resonate more with me. After …
Why Hiring Older Women is a Smart Business Move
While most of the world of work is focused on what young people can bring to the workforce, something I champion, in recent years I feel the need to balance the debate. To consider why hiring older women is a smart business move. And for clarity, and purposes of the conversation, I use the word ‘older’ to mean aged 50 …
Hospitality Highs and Lows in 2024
It’s been another year of highs and lows for the hospitality industry. As always, some establishments have continued to stand the test of time. Others have basked in the warm glow of ‘their moment’. While a handful has sadly closed their doors, stumbled upon hard times, or fallen into disrepute. Here’s my take on all the hospitality highs and lows …
Can Being Awarded Michelin Keys Help a Hotel?
Can being awarded Michelin keys help a hotel to generate more business or improve service? We’re all accustomed to the Michelin Star for restaurants, a beacon of excellence, bestowed upon establishments and used to denote quality, innovation, style and that extra sprinkle of magic. Gaining a Michelin Star can be transformational for a chef, and a restaurant. International recognition and …
Martyn’s Law – Welcome Legislation that Makes Events Safer for All
The terrorism (protection of premises) bill otherwise known as Martyn’s Law, has made headlines again in recent weeks. After years of campaigning from Figen Murray, the mother of one of the Manchester bombing victims (and one of the most tenacious and inspirational people I have met), the bill was introduced to Parliament this September. It stipulates new safety measures that …
Is Ambition a Dirty Word for Women in Business?
In the business world, ambition is a desirable characteristic that encompasses self-belief, drive, and persistence to succeed. Yet, for many women, being ambitious can feel like a mixed blessing. Dogged, strong-willed, relentless, stubborn, wilful, and my personal favourite, high maintenance. These are all words that have been used to describe me in the world of work. None of them are …
How Important is Showmanship in a Leader?
It’s not often you’ll find me quoting Will Smith from his golden days in the nineties, but his Men in Black one-liner sums up perfectly the topic I’d like to explore in this blog. “You know what the difference is between you and me? I make this look good” – Will Smith, Men in Black In the film, his character …