How Important is Showmanship in a Leader?

It’s not often you’ll find me quoting Will Smith from his golden days in the nineties, but his Men in Black one-liner sums up perfectly the topic I’d like to explore in this blog. “You know what the difference is between you and me? I make this look good” – Will Smith, Men in Black In the film, his character …

The Evolution of the Manchester Hospitality Scene

The Northern hospitality sector is thriving, there’s no doubt about that. A quick tot up of those just on my conscious radar and I count twenty-three new bars and restaurants opening in Greater Manchester in the coming weeks. Not just in the city centre but developing towns such as Stockport and Bury too. The Manchester hospitality scene (and let’s assume …

Why Saying No in Business is a Strength

Your New Year’s Business Resolution. Saying No. No. One of the simplest words in the English language. In linguistic terms, such an easy word to pronounce. One little syllable, two tiny letters. So, why is it that so many businesspeople find it so hard to say? Especially as, in my opinion, saying no in business is a strength. Difficulty saying …

Why Feedback Is Important in Shaping Your Business

Why Feedback Is Important in Shaping Your Business

Over the course of my 35-year career I have both received and given my fair share of feedback. In my early years, you might’ve said I was better at giving it than getting it. But that’s likely to be true for many who are young, brimming with ideas and eager to climb the ladder. They don’t, and I didn’t want …