Having agonised along with the rest of the country as England’s lacklustre performance against Slovakia was spectacularly turned around in the dying minutes, my mind wandered not for the first time to how football can be a metaphor for business. In particular on how hard it can be to decide when to hold your nerve when faced with adversity, AND …
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Humans are creatures of habit. We create rituals that feel familiar. Find comfort in well-known surroundings. And are programmed to thrive in repetitive behaviours that make us feel safe. None more so than in the world of work. This preference for familiarity is more commonly referred to as the comfort zone. A place of low stress levels, where we feel …
How to Avoid ‘Perfection Paralysis’ in Business
So many people have brilliant business ideas. It always amazes me how people continue to come up with new takes on old ideas. Or completely new profitable products. But not everyone can make those ideas a reality. Sometimes it’s time management. Life gets in the way. We’ve all heard that old saying that life is something that happens while you’re …