Why Chemistry is Important in Business

Why Chemistry is Important in Business

I’ve always trusted my gut instinct. I believe when you meet someone there is either a connection or not. It’s the chemistry between you that is the foundation of trust; the building block for a relationship. We’re not talking sexual chemistry here – more that feeling you get that screams – I can work with this person. They get me.  …

The Difference Between Goals and Dreams

As it is for most, December is usually the most hectic month of the year for me. As an event planner of over thirty years, I’m accustomed to spending the festive season in a whirl of organisation, fuelled with coffee, adrenaline (perhaps a glass of wine or two), executing the season’s most exclusive, spectacular parties. This year is different. I’m …

Overcoming the Challenges of Digital Motivational Speaking  

Those who know me will be aware that I’m not shy of being the centre of attention. I learnt to play the piano at four years old and quickly adored the energy and attention it allowed me to gain from people.  Yes, I admit it.  I do love an audience. Motivational speaking is something that I revel in for that …

How Travel Has Inspired Me

How Travel Has Inspired Me

I’m a person that always strives to find the positives in life. When we were forced to stay home during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, I made use of the time and space given to me, channelling that into positive activities. I’m lucky to have a home that I love – a place that reflects my personality and gives …